Friday, November 12, 2010

"Let's Make Life Easy!"

I tend to get involved in crazy projects about 3 times a year. Like all encompassing 16 hour a day kind of things. When this happens, I notice, being a clown just happens, there isn't that much work to be done. If I'm sitting around waiting for calls or avoiding sending out contracts or what not, I feel like I'm working.

When I'm involved in these crazy projects, I run to the computer or phone, do what I have to and run back and don't think too much.

I'm a pretty disorganized person. Although, as I get older and older I notice everyone says that about themselves, even the ones that have cushions on their couch cushions.

I am really paranoid about double booking or forgetting to show up. Not really paranoid more like obsessively frightened. On Saturdays without a kids party booked, I can't enjoy going to a movie because I'm sure I forgot to write something down and I'm going to be chewed out over the phone.

For my own sanity, I have slowly put things into place. Things like a booking form for my customers. Man did I suffer over this one. What to say how to say it, sending it to friends to look over. Now I look at it and it's just the information I need to send a confirmation. (day time, location etc).

I'm not very good at keeping calendars. I created an online calendar man did I obsess over the look, what to say, should I put the birthday child's name on there or not? Where on my web site should I put it.

I look at it and roll my eyes at my former self. It's just a calendar.

In the end though, what I've tried to do is just make sure I'm supposed to be where I say.

What's nice about being a bit obsessive with my projects, I can look at my system and be thankful that I spent a little time putting them in place. When I'm sort of nuts doing a video project, I can just rely on this to be self working. Ahhhhh

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