Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"Being In The Newspaper-Being on TV"

I have been on the local news umpteen times and I get in the paper a lot.

Here's the big secret, treat a camera like an audience member. I get on the local news because when I see a camera pointed toward me, I look straight into the lens and have a particular trick I do right to the camera. My trick? I juggle and hit myself in the head with my juggling clubs.

This action works because it's a quick clown story. You get the clown world in a fraction of a second. The camera people are coming up to me because every street faire or festival says "food, fun, clowns"

They do a one minutes story on how thousands of people went to the asparagus festival (real thing!). So my little bit always lands me on TV.

Those little TV appearances do nothing for my career by the way. I usually am reminded that I was on TV when my mother or my mother in law call very excited that they saw me on the news. I have never had a customer call or send an email saying they saw me. Nor has anyone ever hired me because I was on TV. But it's cool. Only only one TV appearance made me lots of money and boosted my career.

Same goes for newspapers. My go to move. I usually get in the paper again for juggling or for looking straight into the camera lens, crossing my eyes and making a swirly animal balloon. It's a good visual.

Now this move, did make me many many thousands of dollars. I was on a TV commercial for the yellow pages and this move got me on. They had a lot of different performers doing things on camera for the commercial. Most didn't make it into the final cut. They got paid to be there. I had a strong move that got me on screen. The rule for commercials, if you are on long enough to be recognized, you are payed royalties.

You should have something in your clown arsenal that says clown in one, two or three seconds...literally! Snap a balloon in your face and get mad. Have your little puppet scare you. pretend to eat a giant hotdog and enjoy it.

If you send me an email I will give you ideas as I hear about your character.

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