Saturday, August 13, 2011

"Walk In, Take Control...That's Why They Hire You!"

I went to little Lucas' party this morning, he's a fan from a library show I did a couple of weeks ago and asked and asked for me to be at his birthday.

It's a kick to see a kid just break into hysterics as I'm walking in.

I was thinking about something learned over a long long period of time.

Lucas' mom wanted to hire me but they were having the party in a gigantic Chinese Restaurant. When I say gigantic, like football field sized. It was a bit of a strange place, it was an all you can eat buffet style, pay at the door, eat a lot.

We went back and forth, she just wanted something short not believing the kids would pay attention for any length with all the noise and distraction.

Here's the thing, they did and went nuts.

I had the area of maybe 2 moved tables to set up and have kids sitting. But I killed and could have kept the kids engaged as long as I could maintain energy.

This was a not ideal setting. And yes, it feels a bit odd to walk through a giant crowd with my stuff, with teenagers giving me the sink eye and kids pointing and getting excited to get to my goal area.

I didn't care. I take over. I'll be as loud as I need, I'll get the kids screaming and cheering. I take over and that's why I'm hired. I set that little voice aside that says..."you look really weird in the corner of this place" I take the kids for a comedy journey and their parents are dragged along giggling all the way.

Now, just so you all know...I do control the kids. Other people have paid to have lunch, it's not right to make my needs more important than theirs. It's a noisy place, we were a little ways away, I went for it.

I have a job to do and I hit a homerun today.

Just a peek into my brain, for those that are interested. I often get terribly embarrassed in real life. I don't like taking my clothes off at a beach, I don't tend to want to stand out. Pretty odd I know, because of what I do for a living where I am able to harness that shyness into clown gold.

Why I'm hired is to take over, if you want a clown...a clown I shall be.

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