Monday, January 31, 2011

"Hey Clown...Having a Good Day?"

I will come clean, I am so guilty of having big conversations with people and I'm in full clown make up and costume.

I am so trying to break myself of this habit. I mean does anyone want to know my political feelings? I get so confused, people are so curious about me after a show and I get caught up in it.

Yesterday, I had a discussion about how the economy has effected me.

I am so full of adrenaline after a show, I just blab and blab, when really, I should be chasing kids or getting in my car and call a friend on my phone if I need to talk.

So much of clowning is from a distance. For the children, they get up close and right in my grill but the adults watch from behind. They are involved and not quite involved. So, seeing me just having a conversation is not what I want out there, if someone took a picture at that moment, I would be pretty dull.

I write a lot on my blog about being in character getting out of the car, about coming into an event with full energy. There is also a point when you're done and you are still being watched.

The character's important before, during and after the event. The test...could someone take a picture of that moment you'd be happy to put on Facebook?

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