Monday, November 28, 2011

"Stick To It, Good Things Happen"

I've rented theatres, every holiday season.

The tough part, getting an audience. I spend so much time getting an audience, the show itself becomes the second most important thing after just getting kids in there.

A funny thing happened this year. I'm over 3 weeks from my show and a quarter of the tickets are sold. This means it's pretty likely to sell out plus. Wow.

My lesson, stick to it. I've been running into people that say, I know you, I keep getting you in my email.

So, I really started working on the show. It's quite exciting. I am rehearsing and writing and reordering the show. Even if I don't sell another ticket, I have enough people coming to do the shows. I just need about 10 per show to get good laughs.

There are so many things like this as a performer and dare I say it... in life. Stick to things, even when it's uncomfortable and you can get the reward over time.

This reminds me of a section in "Think and Grow Rich" (highly highly recomend by the way!). One of the secrets to very succesful people, they don't give up early. They come to decisions quickly and let go very very slowly.

This year it looks like not only will I break even, which is my goal each year but I'll make a bit and I'll be able to pay my son and my neice more than I thought.

It's pretty cool. If you're around...come check out the show\/show

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