Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Me Too Hits The Clowns...

I'm super sad about Grandma clown in the Big Apple Circus.

That is definitely a weird sentence.  Grandma Clown is a dude and one of the funniest funniest clowns I have ever seen.  Seemed like a super nice guy...

On the surface.

Another...tough sentence.  I've met him and know lots of people that know him.  What he did to an underage girl and to her life is monstrous and unforgivable.  I used to love Cosby too.  Had a huge influence on me.  Ruined lots of lives.

Grandma clown talked a 16 year old acrobat in the circus into posing in her underwear for him.  He has admitted this.  She has never gotten over it.  He's a monster.

The great thing about the me too movement.  It's caused incredible heroism.  This young woman can maybe get closure.  He will never do this to another girl.  He will never perform again.

it's not getting even.  It's getting things closed up.

In my experience.  Getting even never feels good.  But being told you're right, it's not your fault  feels good it's a big start.

I see a lot of comments on Facebook (I'm full of clown user groups and former Ringling clown groups) about how this will ruin clowning.  Just what we need, another thing that taints our profession.

So lame.

This is one awful person and one brave young woman that stepped forward.  How selfish to worry about yourself, your career, the "profession".

I'm going on a limb and say what he did was terrible.  He's a monster. Wow, aren't I amazing.

This has nothing to do with me.

I'm sad this woman and all the others.  (how could there not be lots of others that were just too embarrassed they never said anything?)  What happened in their lives make them take a turn in their lives that is so unfortunate.

I think of my family.  The thing that hurts me about being a father is when there is a roadblock for my children.  I want life to be easy and a straight line.  Of course there are challenges.

Then there is this. This isn't a roadblock it's a never ending hair pin.  This victim was a young performer.  She may have continued and had her dreams fulfilled.  That's a simplified version but I'm sure she her dream was shut down.

How many other things did she not try or go for because she was hurt and afraid?  Even simple non-threatening things.  "Come over and watch a movie..."  Wouldn't you be afraid to go to someone's house alone after what happened?

My work.  My profession.  Clowning will all survive.

Films are still being made despite Harvey.  The country still goes on despite the president.  The today show went on without Matt Lauer.

But how much talent is destroyed because one man can't control his weird fantasies?  And talent is so delicate.  It's so easy to exterminate.  

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