Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Another Post About Fun with Balloons!

My posts about balloons get the most attention, so...I'll do more on balloons.

But as always, if you have ideas, please post them.  If you have questions, please post them, if you have  a germ of an idea and want me to help flesh it out, post it.

My goal with this blog has always been to become a teacher.

Balloons and magic...

Balloons on their own are very magical.  A balloon transforms from a small lump to a giant round object.  If you don't tie a balloon, it turns into a projectile and flies around the room you can blow up a balloon and it will take the shape of a heart, a geo, a smiley face, an alien.  If you let out a little air, it becomes a fart creator.

Remember being little and how neat it was to see a balloon that blew up and it said "happy birthday" on it?

If you are amazed by the balloon, it will become a magical item.

When you do the needle through balloon, ASK "what happens when a needle touches a balloon?"  You can be as surprised as your audience, popping balloons are shocking, putting a needle near a balloon and not having it pop is tense, it's magic.

Balloons are colorful.  What can you do, with the colors of a balloon?  You could do a simple magical force (forcing their choice), get a color, put the color into a bag, say abracacabra
and pull out a doggy of that color.

Color changing balloon.  This is a neat trick where you blow up a balloon, put a needle to it and it changes color when you pop it.  To do this trick, you put one balloon inside the other, then blow up the inside balloon.  The slight trick is to give a little room to the outside balloon by blowing a bit of air in there.

What could you do with a trick like this?  Hold up a blue balloon, call it green.  Get into an argument with the kids about the color, get mad at the balloon, then try and pop it and it turns green.

Draw an unhappy face on the balloon inside (before you blow it up).  Talk about how you hate popping balloons, pop it and there is an unhappy face inside.

Do you have ideas with balloons and magic?  Share them below!  You can help others or maybe I can give you new ideas!

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