Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"A Clown On Vacation"

I am just about to leave to meet up with my family for a few days R and R.

This may be a clown thing, this might be a self employment thing but I just don't like vacations. I love being with my family. The vacation we take every year is at a family camp, so there's bingo and cards and board games and endless glasses of wine.

But I'm just a bit tense about getting work, missing work, not being able to return phone calls.

I also have a deep guilt that I shouldn't be on vacation. I mean, generally speaking I live life like an 80 year old retired person. I toodle around my house doing repairs, meet my friends every day to exercise, volunteer in school and instead of spending time watching my grandkids, I watch my kids.

If I were getting social security, I would be completely happy.

It's probably because I don't know where my next paycheck is coming from. Thank goodness for Visa and Mastercard, they make all vacations possible!

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