Monday, March 30, 2015

My Funny Exit...

It's a bit rude to do a show, have all attention on you, then simply disappear.

Find a place for business cards.  Best, a small table by the front door, you want people to take them as they leave.  Often this doesn't work.  A likely place for people to see my cards.  The cake, goodie bag area.  You can have kids hand them out, I find that a bit over the top but it might work for you.

I want to take a few seconds with the birthday child to ask if they had fun.  Get a high five.  After all this whole event was all about them.

If I didn't feel I got enough pictures, just before I leave is the time I'll gather all the kids for a group photo. I will blatantly ask people to take pictures.

Even if I've been offered food, or I've been dealing with payment, giving someone a business card.  I want to bring everything back to a big goodbye and make it about the children.

If the children are not occupied (eating cake).  I shout out to come over.  I tell them to give me a big push out the door.  They think this is really funny.

They push my backside.  They are little so they can't push too hard.  I have all my things under my arms and make an S through the room or crowd.

The children are laughing I pause before leaving and say a big "Bye Everybody"  Usually I'll get some applause.

Then they push me out the door or gate or wherever.

I like an exit like this because it involves the children.  It's funny, cute and memorable.  It's also a book end to my big entrance.

Think of funny character ways of exiting.  Children holding your hand and guiding you out.  Children hopping like bunnies around you.  Maybe just a big crowd with you showing you out.  Make the exit as big as the entrance.

Leave a big impression.  

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