Thursday, August 15, 2013

A Kid Named Obama...

I've been doing shows for so long I can see actual patterns.

I was doing a charity show for a very poor community center in Oakland and I met a little boy named Obama.  I don't exactly know why the parents didn't think of naming the child Barrack.

I'm a big Obama guy, so it warms my heart.  I thought it was cool.

When I first started clowning, I met kids named Reagan.  Quite a few actually.  I'm not a Reagan fan, so I found it strange.

I have never met a kid named Bush.  Neither of them must have impressed anyone.

Met lots of kids named Carter.  Probably not named after Jimmy, just a cute name.

My wife and I used to have a landlord named Wilson.  He wasn't old enough to be named after Woodrow but I'm sure his parents on coming to America wanted to respect the country.

I've met lots of Kennedys.  No one name Johnson, because that would be a problem naming someone after a penis.

Now that I think of it, I wish I had named my son Dick and changed my last name to Johnson.

Nixon?  That's a burdon to carry.

It was nice to meet a kid named Obama.  It reminded me of how the world changed in 2008.  Whatever has happened or not happened a whole community has changed and has been heard.  People of color see someone that shares their background.

You know, that's pretty cool.

Meeting a little boy named Obama made me smile.  Even if the teacher was saying. "Obama, come here, come here come here"

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