Sunday, November 11, 2012

Balloons, Funny Balloons, Funny Balloon Animals!

I get a lot of readers of my posts on funny routines with balloons.  Blogger shows me what people are reading.

Is there a topic you want me to cover?  Would you like more routines with balloons, balloon animals?  All you have to do is leave me a comment, I'll write about it.

There are so many things you can do with balloons, they snap, they are colorful, they transform.  You can love them, you can hate them, you can send them flying around the room.

Just let me know a topic.  If I'm not sure, I'll test it out in front of my own audience and report back.

Leave comment below!


  1. have you seen this animated clown Mr. Boswick the clown?

  2. It's great but it's so fast, I can't get the gags. Is this shortened? I love the animation and competition among clowns (mimes) is always funny.

    1. yes. its the short version. the long version comes out in like a month i think. it should be fun. the characters look cool.

    2. Great. Do you have other clown things you watch? Please share. I'll review them and talk about them here, if you'd like.

    3. im just starting out with the clown think. been interested for many years. now i can get in to it. what are some of the best places on the web to connect with clowns. are there conventions or web sites that are big on clowns?

  3. why don't you make a list of questions? I'll address as many as I can in a post for you. There are tons of conventions. I'll do my best to get you started.

    I promise, if you have this questions lots of others do as well. I came from Ringling Brothers and I was frustrated trying to figure out how to put together a show, where to work etc.

    If you look on the right side of this blog, there are categories. Try clicking on "getting started" See if some questions are answered there.
