Monday, May 2, 2011

"Where's the Work?"

So what's a clown to do?

Living at the whims of an unstable economy is a pretty strange feeling. There have certainly been times I have been slow but the prospect of no work is really a funny feeling.

I like that pun...funny feeling! (it's funny because a clown always "feels funny" ahhh never mind).

To all those that tell me, "it must be great to do what you want for a must be great to be your own boss" um, maybe, if you like food stamps.

Here is the cool thing about being a self employed performer, you live off of hope. Hope you'll get called, hope your business cards will get in the right hands. I eat hope, it's delicious.

When I am down, something always comes in at a massive amount of money and saves me. The cool part of being self employed, when you do get a bunch of things all in a row, it really can be a lot of money. I always say, look at me, I'm a millionaire!

Hope is like magic. Last year I took a bunch of time to work on my black belt in Aikido, magically, I got a massive teaching to a large corporate client. I worked two days and made nearly my months normal salary. Stuff like that seems to happen.

So, bounced checks aside, I'm hoping. I'm pretty good at my job and I'm beloved.

It's just a bit freaky to have $9.41 in the bank (real figure!) Come on hope!

1 comment:

  1. It's wonderful how the Universe somehow always make it work for us all. So I'm sure you'll get a ton of work soon. :-)
